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Gil Cohen's homepage

Welcome! I am a faculty member at the Department of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. I am working on pseudo-randomness and derandomization, explicit constructions, and coding theory. Of particular interest are randomness extractors, derandomization of space-bounded computation, spectral graph theory, tree codes, locally decodable codes, and algebraic-geometric codes.

I am extremely grateful for the support of the ERC Starting Grant (grant number 949499) which supports much of my research.

News:  This year I give two new graduate level courses: Pseudorandomness in the first term (the lectures are available, in English, on YouTube), and Free Probability Theory and Ramanujan Graphs in the second. There are a couple of slots for excellent undergrads as well. Please email me for any question.


All my papers are available online. Next to some are video talks and slides.

Exhibited Document Flags


‘When one teaches, two learn.’ –Robert Heinlein. So far I never gave the same (graduate level) course twice.

Colorful Chalks

My Group

I am fortunate to advise bright, creative, and fun to work with students. Click to read about opportunities to join my group either as a student, a visitor, or as a postdoctoral fellow.



Please feel free to contact me via My office is @ Check Point 244.

Dish Antenna
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