Gil Cohen's homepage
Welcome! I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. My research focuses on pseudorandomness and derandomization, explicit constructions, and coding theory.
I am extremely grateful for the support of the ERC Starting Grant (grant number 949499), which funds much of my research.
News (Sep 13): In the upcoming semester, starting on November 3rd, I will be teaching a course on Algebraic Geometric Codes (see course homepage). I plan to record the lectures and recitations in English and upload them to YouTube. Additionally, I will offer a seminar titled Space Bounded Computation & Randomness (details available on the seminar homepage).
In the recent past, I have taught courses on Free Probability Theory and Ramanujan Graphs. (lectures and recitations, in English, are available on the course’s YouTube channel) as well as a course on Pseudorandomness, with the lectures also accessible in English on YouTube.
Uninvited Talks: I started a playlist on my YouTube channel titled "Uninvited Talks," where I present some of my recent results. I find video lectures to be a valuable tool for learning about new results. Video lectures are often available from conferences (where talks are usually too short) or workshops (which have better lengths but are rare). Therefore, I decided to record talks on selected papers without the constraint of a harsh time limit, and with the bonus of improved audio and video quality. These talks will often be recorded as practice sessions for actual seminars or workshops, but I will allow myself to discuss the topics in more depth. I hope these videos will help you learn about my work. More importantly, I hope others will also start creating similar content!