Gil Cohen's homepage
Welcome! I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. My research focuses on pseudorandomness and derandomization, explicit constructions, and coding theory.
I am extremely grateful for the support of the ERC Starting Grant and the ISF Grant which fund my research.
Jan 8 25. I gave a a mini-course on free probability theory and Ramanujan graphs at the fabulous Winter School held at the Weizmann Institute. The three lectures are available online here. The slides are also available (lecture 1, lecture 2, and lecture 3).
Sep 13 24. In this Fall semester I'm teaching a course on Algebraic Geometric Codes (see course homepage). The lectures and recitations (given in English) are being recorded and are uploaded regularly to the course YouTube channel. Additionally, I will offer a seminar titled Space Bounded Computation & Randomness (details available on the seminar homepage).
Last year I have taught courses on Free Probability Theory and Ramanujan Graphs. (lectures, in English, are available on the course’s YouTube channel) as well as a course on Pseudorandomness, with the lectures also on YouTube.
Uninvited Talks: I started a playlist on my YouTube channel titled "Uninvited Talks," where I present some of my recent results. I find video lectures to be a valuable tool for learning about new results. Video lectures are often available from conferences (where talks are usually too short) or workshops (which have better lengths but are rare). Therefore, I decided to record talks on selected papers without the constraint of a harsh time limit, and with the bonus of improved audio and video quality. These talks will often be recorded as practice sessions for actual seminars or workshops, but I will allow myself to discuss the topics in more depth. I hope these videos will help you learn about my work. More importantly, I hope others will also start creating similar content!